Friday, January 14, 2011

So Appauled

Polemics have been written since the inception of Christianity’s so-called birth.   But something was missing, something universal and cosmic in scope.  Religion is a tool for the strong to control the weak, plain and simple.  I have for over a decade wrestled with the intellectual deliverance of mankind.  Who is it of me to tell you what to believe?  Do we each not have our own path of ascension to a realm which we each have a name for?  My friend I have labored over this question and have come to this conclusion, if it is not me who will it be?  I cannot wait for someone to enrich you with this perspective.  It is up to me, I have been given this information to pass on and this task I shall complete.  So with out further ado let us begin this journey which truly has cosmic implications.

God is you therefore you are God.  This is a basic truth seen throughout history yet it easily goes over the heads of many.  If God, Goddess, the Creator, Allah, Jehovah, the Elohim, Neteru whatever you call what is beyond time and space created what we currently exist in and occupy then are not we composed of that same isness so to speak?  We are just fallen aspects of that thought that now exist in matter instead of ether.  But we do not see it that way we see the cosmic mind as something completely outside ourselves which we have no attachment to other than to ask for help and forgiveness.  But what kind of connection is that really, is not there something more intimate.  We are our Earth parents aren’t we?  Our parents are us and we are our children, the same is said for our cosmic conception.  “Let us make man in our image”  and so it was and still we have forgotten. 

There is something sinister about that which looks to keep you from who you truly are which is eternal.  If you are no longer completely invested in the physical your fear of death resides itself to the shadows of nevermore and your immortality reigns supreme.  But all you do is fear what is outside yourself, this is why you ask for forgiveness and repent.  Why not forgive yourself for your transgression and others for theirs?  We must take our Godhood in our hands and move forward into the 21st century where we create rather than destroy.  But you do not want to hear that you want to know how to make a quick dollar, get a nice house, nice car, and profitable job.  You need to consider how to improve your soul, your Godly soul which will return to its source sooner or later.  We are in this upside down kingdom where we have no power whatsoever.  We even give the little power we have here to others.

Elected officials are joke.  They do not care about any of us.  They only appear to do so.  Why do people go homeless, children starve, and so many other atrocities continue to repeat themselves?  Because we allow them, there is no accountability in ourselves and our elected officials.  We give them power and many turn a blind eye to what they do while they have that power in hand and accept their lies telling us we cannot know what they are doing.  Who are these people to tell me anything?  I do not accept their de facto leadership given to them by the asleep masses who have no idea the power they are conceding.  Another example of the people giving their power away and getting nothing in return, what a joke.  Politicians are just put in a position to be seen then chosen by the sheep, hand picked by the global elite to continue whatever crazy scheme they concoct.  How do Gods give their powers away to people who do not do anything positive with it?

If we were to realize our true potential as spiritual beings having a physical experience then what is the need for religion and politics.  These have to been the most worthless inventions ever made.  If we were all spiritually adept then the governance structure that would be created would make more sense then the current system that we have in place.  But here we have a dumbed down mass of people being led by the global elite who only have power and financial gain in their sights.  Most have no clue of who their voting for.  Where is the legislation to correct the social ills that are seen throughout the world?  How do certain people recover from crippling disease and others left to die?  How does curing ills and disease become a business?  The elite need to be held accountable for their action.  But you look outside yourself for them to pay.  Not understanding that recognizing the God in yourselves creates a dominoe effect.  This secret must be kept away from you; if you knew who you were the idea that “Jesus will handle the problems of the world” would be laughed at.  Have you ever looked into who Jesus was?

I am not even convinced that he ever existed.  The story of Jesus is such a Chinatown knock off of ancient texts from various sources.  There are no accounts from his contemporaries that he was around.  This to me sounds like another attempt to take your powers from you.  Who are you, what are you capable of?  It seems like all THEY try to do is rob you of your Godhood.  This is something worth investigating.  Mankind needs to consider looking inside themselves rather than to continue to look into these mythological stories for comfort.  Jesus only provides a cushion for yourself in the hard life.  Now I was under the illusion that most people need religion because of their inability to embrace spirituality.  I apologize for selling you short.  An effort needs to be placed in finding a calm and silence in the mind which is like a catapult for your higher self to take off and reconnect with the source in the cosmos.  In this place there is nothing greater than yourself because you become one with everything.  This veil needs to be lifted from the eyes of the people regardless of race, gender, socio-economic status, and whatever else differentiates us from each other.  Boundaries between us do not exist because we are one in the same.   Still, you are told something completely different.   

Share your feelings and thoughts.  I do not know everything, I am always a student ready to learn something new.