Saturday, February 1, 2014

Finally Focused

It is funny my whole life I have never focused on money. I think arrogantly it had to do with the fact I knew I came from royalty in a past life. Everything here has been so easy to acquire such as degrees, study skills, A’s on papers. There was no real work that was required and being so I was programmed to think that the real world would operate that way. I always expected to be rich, there was never a doubt actually. In this delusion of grandeur I have made horrible personal decisions that I am still trying to dig myself out of. Due to the fact that there was never any real work to be done, I had this misconception about how easy life can be where I could just manifest what I wanted to the physical. Although this is actually true especially for ancient ones or their descendants there has to be real work to back that full faith in credit of the universe. For me that was lacking there was not physical, mental, or spiritual exercise that I was perusing to push myself to another level. I was just resting on my laurels.

Now there has been a change I just finished my first classic which is Circle Seven and am working on research to my next book. I now know that the grind is inevitable and necessary. But I wonder how do you maximize your effectiveness under constraints of family and work? Time seems so fleeting and there is not enough of it. I give most of my day to a 9-5 in order to attempt to provide food, clothing, and shelter to my family. But there is more than just punching in and out.  I and we all have innate talents that can be transformed into profit to turn our individual situations around. Still, these talents need support from the collective. It took me over thirty years to find my talent in order to get the riches that I deserve but there is a steady mental wealth that I have achieved knowing that it is always going to be ok. I hope that all of you who read this find that talent within yourself, believe in it and commit to the grind necessary in order to manifest it to the physical. I will see you at the top!