Thursday, January 23, 2014


Well I am writing blogs again. Took a little break as I was writing my book (Circle Seven drops 3/27 in ebook format only)…Sorry for the shameless plug.

Anyways I live in Phoenix, AZ a dramatic turn from Chocolate City. I thought the change of scenery would be refreshing and it has been. Beautiful landscape that I know belonged to me in a time long ago. But there is just that elephant in the room. RACISM. I cannot escape it. It’s at work, it’s at the grocery stores, it’s at conferences, it’s everywhere.

I have only seen racism in movies and always thought that would never be me. I would deck anybody that called me a nigger. But what happens when someone calls you a nigger without actually calling you one. I am learning how to deal with that every day.

Today’s lesson came at a meeting I was in at Arizona State University. I was at a table full of alumni in the construction industry and they were discussing a recent incident on MLK Day that occurred there that has had social media buzzing. I was subjected to comments like “that’s how they dress, well the watermelon cup was maybe too much.”

I have been bothered all day by the fact that I didn’t kill them. I mean I don’t think I would have been able to change their perspective and don’t really care to. I want to hurt them, I visualize them crashing into a tree but know there are other ways to hurt these types and that is economically. Since Arizona is like the 50s. I need a pre-integration mind set where the minorities depend on each other and pool our resources together. Unfortunately being black is looked at like having the plague here so it will take some effort to find committed individuals but at least I have an idea of the direction I want to move toward. Not sure how to get there and am open to suggestions.

I am planning on blogging once a week so I will keep you updated on my progress. I was looking up black groups here and it was depressing to say the least. And to those who say start your own, I am definitely planning on trying. But just know the once a year blogs are no more. After you write a book blogging is a breeze.

As always please feel free to leave comments.


Don’t forget Circle Seven drops the day the Pope and the President first meet 3/27. The significance will make sense when you read the book.


Anonymous said...

I am looking for your book! Available on Kindle?

Manu Amun said...

My apologies it is delayed in editing but I am planning on dropping it before the summer solstice.